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Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Everything is black. The computer, the telephone, the chairs. Driving back yesterday; the sky was blacker than I'd ever seen it. Deep, dark, mysterious. No stars, no moon, no light.

That's what they see when they see me. Deep, dark, mysterious. And then they get close. Too close. Get burnt. And blame me for it. So unfair. They only see one thing. What can I do? I refuse to change myself. For anyone. I am the way I am for a number of reasons. And if they don't want to know the reasons, they shouldn't get that close. It's simple.

Black skies, black heart, black soul. I am Black.


  1. My favourite colour! Lol

    Do you find, people expose themselves to you, and when they do you present may be (in their eyes) a cold, withdrawn, exterior, when all you’re really trying to do is keep yourself protected? And people, they take offence. They hurt, but what they don’t realise is you are also hurting. But you can only be YOU.

    They don’t want to take the time to ask about past experiences, nor its influence on creating the image of a person you are today! And if they then don’t take this time, then it’s their fault right? why did they come so close in the first place, get to the exterior, but not look to see what amazingness may be lurking inside!
    May be not darkness, but may be a light dying to shine bright.

  2. Hi Vips,

    Good to hear from you again! I hope you're doing well. Definitely not my favourite colour, but I'm told it's my lucky colour, so who knows!

    Yes I do find that - that and the fact that people expect you to be a certain way, having heard things about you, and when you're not, they're almost disappointed that you're not like that. Not as exciting as they thought, that you're completely 'normal'. And then they delve deeper to find you're actually completely different to them, to others, and they don't like this either! So what to do?

    What gets me more is that they judge; judge without knowing. It's really quite silly and ignorant...
