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Friday, 7 September 2012

Out With the Old...and In With the - Uncomplicated!

Happy Friday y'all! I, like most people, love it when Friday rolls around - except the weekend always seems far too short to get everything we want done. I vote for a four day week and three day weekend. After all, it only seems fair and a little bit more balanced than it is now - all in favour say 'aye'!
So as it says on the tin - this post is all about uncomplications. Or rather, getting rid of the complications in your life. I have always maintained that I want to live a relatively simple and uncomplicated life (LOL...I guess the Big Guy Upstairs hadn't quite heard me up until now!)
Now, this does not mean I want an 'easy' life. Life is never easy, and I wouldn't expect it to be - where would be the fun in that?! By simple I mean a life free of complications (I've had enough of those - I'm getting too told to deal with them - HAH!) I have recently had to re-evaulate a huge decision I made last year. It was one of the toughest decisions I've had to take in a little while, but it was basically a choice between a simple and a complicated life. I could have chosen to deal with the complications, possibly for the rest of my life, but chose not to. Call me selfish, but I don't believe anyone should have to choose between themselves and someone else. If the person/people in your lives know you and understand you well enough, they will never put you in a position where you have to make this hugely unfair choice. I was put in a such a position. And I chose myself. I learnt very quickly in life that in this day and age very few people will look out for you until your very last breath. If you manage to find this rare gem, hold on to them with every ounce of your being!
After having made this choice, I very quickly found out that not everyone is what they make themselves out to be. It's amazing how quickly people can either show their true colours or become bitter and resentful; and can sometimes even turn nasty. Which is really not something anyone wants in their life. So you realise you actually did make the right decision,  and thank the Lord in helping you make the decision of choosing yourself - and a relatively UNcomplicated way of life.

Bring it on!

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