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Saturday, 1 September 2012


I hope everyone's having a great Saturday night!

I'm pretty sure I've written about trust in one of my earlier entries, but again, this is something else that keeps cropping up.

How much can you really trust someone? A recent experience made me question the amount of trust we put in people and whether it's really deserved. We're not born untrusting. Children are the most trusting human beings around - and rightly so because most of us would never dream of hurting a child or breaking their trust. So why do we do it more and more as we grow older?

Lying to save your own skin is something that everyone does at one time or another. But when that makes the other person question their trust in you, and you risk losing a very good friend, surely it's better to tell the truth? It makes me so angry to think that someone could happily screw a close friend and their reputation over to save themselves. To not think for one second about the damage their lie could cause or the hurt someone could feel because of it. And most of all, the trust that they are ultimately breaking.

So my question is this. Do you continue to trust everyone else and risk getting hurt or lied to again? Or do you become more wary of people, afraid to trust, afraid that someone else will lie for their own gain and happily damage a reputation, a friendship, a trust...

Does someone else deserve not to be trusted because of someone else? Or should we view everyone with the same wary eye for the fear of being hurt again...?


  1. Shame that you've had so many challenges. I know you as a really good person and i know we lost touch and haven't spoken in years, I still remember the good times we had as kids.
    Keep posting, look forward to reading more from you.
    Old Friend.

  2. Hi Old Friend! May I ask who you are? If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, of course I'll completely understand.

    Challenges come to everyone. My challenges are no more and no less - well - challenging - than anyone else's. I guess my blog is a place to put my thoughts and feelings in some logical order (is there such a thing?!) so, more often than not, I can look back on it and go "What the hell was I actually upset about?!"

    Good times galore ;-) I hope you're well too and life's treating you good!
