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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Out with the old

I've always been a believer of letting go of the past and embracing the present while somewhat looking forward to the future, to better times. Welcoming each new year and leaving behind the negativity of the past year...

But lately, I've been thinking a lot about the past. Past friendships, past relationships, past lovers, past situations. Wondering whether things could have been different 'if', and 'what if' this, that and the other had happened. I guess burying the past away rather than
dealing with it wasn't such a great idea - it suddenly came flooding back in a rush of painful memories and took my breath away.

Now, coming into 2015, with so much to look forward to, I don't want these negative thoughts and feelings clouding what promises to be a great year. I wish I had properly dealt with the past before rushing off into the future, desperate to forget, desperate to move on and leave all the cr*p behind. In my rush to move away from all the hurt and pain, I forgot to properly grieve, to deal with it head on and make it a part of my life, rather than trying to bury it away and not think about it at all.

So out with the old and in with the positive. The first thing to do is deal with all these un-dealt with feelings - make them a part of my life rather than trying to run away from them, trying to pretend they didn't happen. Only then can the new year ring in happiness, joy and love - completely unpolluted and free of negative baggage.

Wishing you a 2015 filled with peace, strength and all-round fabulousness!

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