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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Because You're ALWAYS Worth It!

I have never understood what gives one person the right to abuse or bully another. Whether that is a partner, friend, employer or someone else. Behaviour like this has the ability to completely destroy someone's confidence and self worth but I don't think people who do this have any idea of how it affects someone else. Or if they do, they must be completely inhumane as far as I'm concerned, because they do it anyway. 

Don't they realise that the better you treat someone, the more likely you are to have someone who gives back, the more likely it is that the relationship, whatever it may be, will be positive and one with mutual respect, rather than fear and disrespect, and eventually leading the person being abused to walk away from it? 

It makes me so angry to think there are some people in the world who will treat people like complete shite and expect them to 'do as told' without question, without wondering why they are being treated this way. They are then judged for walking away from something they shouldn't have been put through in the first place. Because they're 'so strong they can handle it'. So?? Does someone who is incredibly strong deserve to be put through hell just for the perverse pleasure of some twat/s who thinks it's okay to do it? Because it gives them a sense of power and achievement to belittle someone and bring them down just so they feel big, when in reality they're the cowards, the insecure doorknobs who NEED to do it to make themselves feel good because they haven't actually achieved anything in life? 

I say no. Get out, walk away, do what you need to do, but never allow yourself to be bullied into submission. Be strong enough to walk away before it's too late and you lose all sense of self worth. You don't owe anyone who treats you like that anything. Know your own worth.

I love this quote by Harvey Fierstein, so I'm going to close with it:

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

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