I feel I have asked this question since I was a child. I have always been different, but am only just realising it (by 'just' I mean since the last couple of years). Being the only Indian in most places (University courses, workplaces, social circles) has immediately set me apart from the people I interact with on a day-to-day basis; but I don't think this has anything to do with it. I have Indian friends who seem to fit in almost everywhere, seem to be at ease in most situations, and get on well with most people.
I think...in fact, I'm pretty sure, it's me. I'm just different (I refer you to my post very creatively entitled 'Different'). I think (and understand things) differently to most people, and so most things that come out of my mouth (or my behaviour) reflect this. I have had to work hard over the years to hone and pinpoint what comes out and how I portray myself to people, because a lot of it isn't exactly similar to the way others think. I've begun to realise how I'm different and how the way I think is not exactly most people's cup of tea (or coffee, as it may be), and so they don't involve me in the same way as they would others. Which kinda hurts sometimes because while I may not be the same as them, I know I have much to offer, whether it be work-wise or in social situations.
I suppose I now feel (know) I'll never really fit in anywhere, except probably with my friends, family and other half (who, despite being almost exactly like me, seems to fit in everywhere, lucky sod!) I'm not sure whether it's to do with the fact that I wasn't born here, or brought up before the age of 10 (by which time, you're quite accustomed to a certain way of thinking, believe it or not). Whatever it is, I guess it's just something I have to accept; accept that I was born to be different and not the same as everyone else.
I just wish people would realise it too...
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