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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Racing through life...

I get up. I shower. I change. I wolf down some breakfast and race to work. I race through all the emails I need to get through and make a list of tasks - a 'to do' list. I race through the day, through my tasks, through my life. I race home for a few hours of respite before racing to bed only to do it all over again the next day, all the while my heart racing with panic, adrenaline, stress and my mind racing with all the things I have to do, have done, have probably forgotten to do.

From day to day, a lot of us barely give ourselves enough time to breathe, let alone have any 'chilling' time. And that chilling time (for me anyway) consists of lounging in front of the TV before collapsing in bed. Not very 'chilling' if you ask me considering my eyes are constantly hurting from staring at screens all day be it a computer, TV or phone.

When did we get so crazy rushed that we don't have the time to stop and even breathe? Are things really so hectic that we no longer notice the good things around us, forget to stop, take a deep breath and take time out for ourselves - away from the TV, computer, phone? My life revolves around the phone because of the job that I do - which is fine, but I know I find it tough to switch off from it even when I get home, creating unnecessary panic and stress, creating a cycle of unnecessary panic and stress.

I have a new tactic - every time I feel rushed or overwhelmed with the amount I have to do, I stop. Take a deep breath and ask myself this question: "Will anyone die if I don't do this right now?" If the answer's no, I stop stressing about it. I've found it's just not worth the energy to stress so much about something that, in a year, two years, five years won't matter. People are unlikely to even remember it. So why stress?

The dream is to one day spend a part of my day stress-free. I'm determined to make it happen!

Watch this space...

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