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Thursday, 8 May 2014

A Chapter Finished...The Rest of the Book to Go!

So I left my job last month, mainly to cries of "WHY??", "Are you sure??" and, "Have you got anything else lined up?" The best one I heard was, "It's all great now but wait until your final pay packet runs out and you have to go running to your dad or other half to ask for money!"

Not exactly encouraging. While I agree with the idea that you should wait to have a job before you leave a job, especially when you have large bills to pay, it also begs the question for me personally - why? I don't have a mortgage or any major bills to pay. My parents are incredibly supportive of me doing this because they know I'm ready for a bigger, fresher challenge and I need to have enough time in the day to not only apply for jobs, but also to go for interviews and the like. I also know where I want to be in life and staying in a job where I had learnt everything I was going to learn and done everything I was ever going to do, was, as far as I was concerned, not exactly helping my professional development. The last thing I wanted to do was get complacent and stay in the same position for another year or two. That, coupled with the company restructuring, meant it was the perfect time for me to leave and figure out what I want to do next.

Of course the anxiety and fear set in as I was moving out of my shared accommodation and back home. I felt worried about what to do and where I was going to start. I fell ill (again), found out I had tonsillitis and was reduced to 'resting' - something I haven't done since my holiday to Majorca last November. I have itchy feet. More than that, I have itchy hands. Hands which are dying to write, to get published. So when this 'resting' malarkey came up, I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself.

So I enlisted the help of a life coach. Leah, if you're reading this, you're awesome!! Leah Cox is the author of - by far one of THE most useful websites I've come across when deciding what to do and how to start. Speaking to Leah gave me the massive boost I needed in order to get going and do something with my life. She made me realise that I have my whole life in front of me yet and I can do the things I love with this time - the biggest thing, being writing. Starting to establish myself as a writer won't be easy but I'm determined to do it. If I can wake up and love 3 out of 5 days at work, I'll be more than happy. Speaking to Leah (and 'resting') has made me realise how determined I am to 'make it' as a writer and to make a difference with my writing. So, just this morning, I signed myself up to a short, two day intensive on feature writing at the London College of Communication. I've always wanted to go back to study, so I figure why not now and why not study something I love doing and which will only enhance my skills, even if it is just a short course?! I want to get really excited about what I do - I want to bound out of bed in the mornings and be excited to go to work, with tons of ideas and energy, wherever that might be!

All those out there who are contemplating leaving their jobs without having another one to go to, or are considering a career change - I say do it. Yes, it's tough at first and the feelings of anxiety and fear are difficult to keep at bay at the beginning, but you soon realise the beauty of time and how much you have of it in abundance to really make a go of what you really want to do and what you love. I am fortunate enough to be able to do it with the support of my family and friends. If you are too, then I say just go for it! Don't let anyone make you feel bad for leaving without having something to go to - if you are good enough at what you love and want to do, and are prepared to work hard (really hard!), then you'll get there.

As the saying goes - good things come to those who wait are so determined, they work their as*es off and persevere to get to exactly where they need to. (Ok so I paraphrased. Lots. Mainly to what the saying would have been had I made it up).

Remember this is just one chapter of a very long book. Make yours worth reading!

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