This post is about exactly what it says on the tin. The last couple of weeks have totally overwhelmed me (in a good way!) and I'm so incredibly thankful for everything that I have. If you'd told me this time two years ago that I would be where I am today, I would have laughed. Or cried. Probably the latter.
It has also made me realise that life is a lot more resilient than we think it is. Often things happen that make us think we'll never be happy again or find ourselves again after losing oneself completely within something or someone else. And when you're in this frame of mind, happiness seems like a long lost cousin in the remotest part of the world - never to be found again.
I have the most amazing friends. Far and few between, but that's the way I like it, and always have done. They're the gems in my life. The most precious people in my life - my parents. Who have probably been through so much more than I have just watching me go through it, kept it all under wraps to protect me, and have somehow managed to come out of it unscathed and happier than ever now they see how happy I am. Super Parents I call them. A diamond of an other half. Someone who cares more about me than he does himself. Someone, who given half a chance, would probably take a bullet for me. And someone for whom, no matter how little I try, I will always be the most beautiful girl in the world. Gratitude? Unrepayable...
Finally, finally the job I want. Have wanted for such a long time. With awesome people and a wealth of experience that can only lead to good things. Touch wood.
Bring on life! Evidently the happiness can be re-discovered. All you need to do is re-discover yourself. Whether it takes weeks, months or years is irrelevant.
Gud show...
Thanks Pratik! Will definitely check out your blog :-)